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Spring Weeds Here in Kansas and Missouri
Mar 28, 2024
Spring has sprung – and so have spring weeds! As we hit the ground running this lawn care season, there are a few spring weeds we’re already seeing in customer lawns in Kansas and Missouri this spring. Let's take a closer look at dandelions, henbit, and chickweed.
Probably the most recognizable weed that can pop up in your lawn, these bright yellow blooming weeds are expert seed-spreaders – both from the characteristic white seed-bearing heads and from the roots that grow new shoots underground. Because of this, a population of dandelions can spiral quickly out of control! Dandelions are a nonnative species here in North America, which means they often out-compete our native species of plants for resources, like water and nutrients. This is bad news for the health and appearance of your lawn or garden.
And, yes, dandelions can also be an eyesore!
This winter annual weed has characteristic purple flowers and can grow to a height of 16 inches! It’s actually a member of the mint family and it’s often confused with a similar-looking weed, purple deadnettle. It’s likely to grow in areas of your lawn that are thin, shady, and excessively moist. It can spread quickly and it may take multiple seasons to fully control.
Chickweed is an annual broadleaf weed with a shallow root system and small white flowers. You’ll find it growing in moist soil and areas with sufficient sunlight. This hardy weed is drought-tolerant and highly competitive, reproducing quickly and spreading across your lawn.
Weed Control with Weed Man
At Weed Man, your weed control program is specially tailored to the needs of your lawn, whether we’re dealing with dandelions, henbit, chickweeds, or other broadleaf weeds.
We use top-of-the-line weed control products, safely applied in the hands of our trained professionals. We time our contact treatments during dandelions’ peak germination periods, and our equipment is carefully calibrated to apply the proper amount of product.
The result? In a matter of days following your weed control application, weeds will start to curl up. Two to three weeks after your weed control application, they will disappear completely. (If, after that time, weeds are still present in your lawn, contact your local Weed Man for a free re-application.)
Do you have questions about your spring lawn care? Give us a call! Our trained and certified technicians can make expert recommendations to improve the health and appearance of your lawn.